1.63 I Saw the Captain That Night
This is the account of the vision of the course correction for the church that Bro. Meador has been speaking of over the last few months.
2018.03.08 Course Correction for the Church
I heard the spirit of the Lord say, “Brace yourself!” The spirit spoke a couple of times and I saw a wooden ship-probably just the front half, I saw a man with his back to the side of the ship and his arms stretched out on the sides of the ship holding on for dear life. Again, I heard the Lord say, “Brace Yourself!” Then I saw him step to the helm, to a captain’s wheel, and he said, “This is a course correction for the church!”
Bro. John recorded what was happening and these are some excerpts:
“I am at the helm. I am turning headlong into this storm and I am bringing a course correction to the church. Brace yourself, church. Brace yourself as many will go overboard. Brace yourself as we turn into the storm. Brace yourself.” I see a great ship. I see Jesus at the helm. I see him at a wheel and he’s driving without fear and he’s driving this thing right into the heart of the storm and he’s not afraid of it and he’s making a course correction in the church, and it’s going to be drastic and dramatic.
“Brace yourself and be ready, brace yourself for this course correction.” It has to go this route to bring it to pass, to bring us into the peace, to bring us through the storm, to bring us through. He’s driving it into this storm. Many hearts will fail for the fear of the storm. They will say, “It’s just too great,” but it’s not! He is driving, he’s got the wheel!
I see waves and big ones and I see rain storms and all that fear and all that would come and he’s turning without fear, I see Jesus, we don’t have to fear because he’s at the helm and he’s driving this thing right into the wind. He knows what he’s doing. You’ve got to trust him. If you could just see him there, if you could just see what I see: he’s at peace and he knows what he’s doing, but we’ve got to brace ourselves, that’s what I keep hearing, prepare and brace ourselves.
The course of the church is changing. The course of the church is leaving all that old, it’s leaving all that which happened back in the last move of God; all of it, he’s leaving it behind like in the wake. If you could just see that ship and all that wake behind, and all that churning water behind, that’s the old, he’s leaving it behind. We’re going into peace and the storm is going to be behind. Everybody that stays in that old order, everybody that stays in the old move of God, they’re going to stay in the storm. But those that abide in the ship, peace. We’re driving right through it. It might be rough seas at the moment, but brace yourself because we’re going right on through it and we’re going into peace and we’re going into victory we’re going into that authority and we are going there and we are leaving that old behind.
“The course of the church has changed,” he has taken the helm and he’s taken control. It’s out of our hands, that’s why he’s telling us to brace ourselves, we’re not calling the shots, he is. The course of the church is changed. It’s not going to work in the old. We are holding on for dear life and he knows it, but we’re coming through! You’ve got to abide in the ship, don’t try to do it your own way, don’t try to make it happen, but you’ve got to abide in the ship. All the provision we need is there.
I see churches going into confusion, I see such confusion. Oh, they may hold together as a church, but I see confusion. I see preachers trying everything in the world to hold people. We think we’ve seen it now, but we haven’t even begun to see. You’re going to be astounded when you see the depths and the lengths that preachers are going to stoop to in order to make it look like the Spirit of God is moving, we are going to be shocked and surprised at what we see the preachers stooping to, the level of witchcraft and soothsaying.
I pray these words are taken to heart and the essence of what the Lord was speaking has come across. God bless, LM